ZN Mix Organic (Zinc)

Free Choice Mineral Supplement for all Classes of Ruminants and Equine
ZN Mix Organic (Zinc) is a Free Choice Mineral Supplement for Ruminants and Equine. It is helpful for healing nerves under the skin.

Zinc is necessary for proper utilization of copper and iron. High calcium reduces zinc absorption. Phytic acid in plants binds zinc. Zinc absorption takes place in the small intestine and in the abomasum of cattle. The initial uptake into intestinal cells involves amino acid ligands and other chelating/complexing agents. Once in the intestinal cell, zinc is bound to metallothionein. Metallothionein is the main storage form in all cells of the body. Many ligands have been shown to enhance zinc absorption, among these are citrate, EDTA, certain amino acids, and certain vitamin metabolites. Other dietary components such as physate, calcium, phosphorus, copper, cadmium, certain fiber fractions and Vitamin D influence zinc absorption.

Zinc uptake is more efficient in young animals, during pregnancy, and lactation (hormonal influence or increased body requirements). 
ZN Mix Organic - 25 Pound Bag - Item no. A155
ZN Mix Organic - 5 Pound Bag - Item no. P010

Directions: Offer Free Choice separate from other parts of the ration.

Note: Offer a Free Choice common white salt block or common white feed mixing salt with all ABC Free Choice products.

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ZN Mix Organic - 5 Lbs Bag