Thursday, February 11, 2016 - Stephanie Seneff is a Senior Research Scientist at MIT's Computer Science and Artifi
cial Intelligence Laboratory. She has a Bachelor's degree from MIT in biology with a minor in food and nutrition, and a PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, also from MIT.
Dr. Seneff says “glyphosate is far more toxic than we've been led to believe. There has not been nearly enough research done and we've become very complacent in letting the population be the guinea pigs." The fact is we've been deceived for way too long. Chemical companies want us to believe that GMOs and 'modern' farming practices will "feed the world" and require 'less chemicals.' Yet, sales volume of agricultural chemicals keeps going up and up.
For years, Dr. Seneff has been studying the steady rise in chronic illnesses that we see today, and she sees a direct correlation between the increased use of glyphosate and the growing number of sick people. The biochemical effects of consuming glyphosate are devastating to human digestion. At its core, glyphosate blocks nutrient absorption – which means that our society is literally starving itself to a slow, agonizing premature death.
Her research has focused on understanding the effects of certain environmental toxicants, such as aluminum and glyphosate, on human physiology. She proposes that a low-micronutrient, high-carbohydrate diet, combined with excess exposure to environmental toxicants, and insufficient sunlight exposure to the skin and eyes, play a crucial role in many modern conditions and diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, gastrointestinal problems, Alzheimer's disease and autism.
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