A Fact Sheet on Glyphosate:
GMO: Genetically modified organisms are plants, animals, bacteria, etc. whose genetic material has been altered using multi-species genetic engineering techniques. This indiscriminate mingling of the genetic material of plants, animals, fish, bacteria, spiders and even humans must not be confused with the selective mating for desired genetic traits within one species.
Glyphosate: 2-[(phosphonomethyl) amino] acetic acid or (N-(phosphonomethyl) glycine) is a broad-spectrum systemic herbicide used to kill weeds, especially annual broadleaf weeds and grasses known to compete with commercial crops grown around the globe. Glyphosate is a broad spectrum chelate that forms barriers around and immobilizes specific essential nutrients and creates an opportunity to either kill a weed or damage and kill organisms that have a particular requirement for the Shikimite pathway1 blocked by glyphosate.
Glyphosate is marketed as Monsanto's "RoundUp" and is commonly used in conjunction with Monsanto’s “RoundUp Ready” crops. Glyphosate based herbicides are also private labeled and marketed by over 150 companies world wide. Glyphosates are used on 75 to 98% of corn, soybeans, alfalfa and sugar beets grown in the US.
RoundUp Ready: Indicates plants such as corn, soybeans, beets and alfalfa that have been genetically engineered to be resistant to glyphosate herbicide.
Bt Corn: Genetically modified corn that includes toxic genetic material from Bacillus thuringiensis, thus making the plants capable of producing insecticidal toxins that kill insects such as corn root worm when they eat the plant. One GM protein makes the plant resistant to a herbicide, and two GM proteins are insecticides.
· Is a strong metal chelator and inhibits many plant essential enzymes, even at low, non-herbicidal rates.
· Increases susceptibility to drought and disease.
· Persists and accumulates in soils and plants with a half-life reported to be 22.5 years.
· Toxic to beneficial soil organisms.
· Inhibits the uptake and translocation of Fe, Mn, and Zn at very low, non-herbicidal rates.
· Stimulates soil-borne pathogens, molds and mycotoxins.
· Results in decreased nitrogen fixation.
· Reduces physiological availability and concentration of Ca, Cu, Co, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Ni, N, K, Se and Zn in plant tissues
· Reduces photosynthesis (CO2 fixation).
· Accumulates in food and feed products to enter the food chain as a risk to food safety.
Crops not treated with glyphosate but grown in contaminated fields can still harbor the chelation effects that interfere with mineral metabolism and reduce nutritional crop value.
Any exposure to glyphosate, whether it be from spray, soil, wind drift or runoff from adjoining fields will contaminate the plant and result in residual glyphosate within the plant tissues.
When a glyphosate contaminated plant is digested,the glyphosate matrix present in the plant is released into the gut and ties-up the supplemental minerals in the ration and released related toxic proteins, such as the insecticides from Bt corn. Glyphosate is toxic to beneficial gastro-intestinal bacteria at 0.1ppm.
Formaldehyde is the primary end product of glyphosate degradation. Formaldehyde is extremely toxic to gut and soil bacteria and results in anaerobic conditions in the intestine paving the way for an increase in clostridium disease in livestock.
A 2012 Iowa nutrient density study showed that even though glyphosate – at 13 ppm - was well under the government allowed level of 20 ppm, it was still toxic. GMO corn contained 200 ppm of formaldehyde as opposed to 0 ppm in non-GMO corn. Calcium content in non-GMO was 6,130 ppm while GMO corn had only 14 ppm.
Do Not Confuse “non-GMO” with “Organic”
Organic Foods or Products are regulated by the National Organic Standards Board to be grown on soils that have been free of synthetic fertilizers, herbicides, insecticides andantibiotics for at least 3 years. Similar restrictions are places on livestock feeding and management.
Non-GMO indicates only that the item contains no GM material but could contain residues from the soil it was grown in or from the use of other toxic sprays.
Just being free of GMO’s or glyphosate does not make a product “organic.”
Given the fact that almost all fields contain some level of glyphosate contamination, our choices are limited. The #1 best alternative is to use only organic feeds. If that’s not possible, give us a call.
ABC’s G.R.P.™ technology can help alleviate most of the damage already done to our soils and crops.