12 Stones M Mix

12 Stones M Mix (Magnesium) is a Free Choice Mineral Supplement. 12 Stones M Mix is an enzyme activator primarily involved in energy metabolism and bone formation. Magnesium improves calcium and phosphorus metabolism and calcification of bone. Magnesium is needed by the body in relatively small amounts but is very important to life. About 70% of the magnesium in the body is in the bone, combined with calcium and phosphorus. Muscle contains more magnesium than calcium. Magnesium is present in the blood, organs and tissue fluids of the body. A deficiency of magnesium in the blood causes grass tetany in cattle, a highly fatal disease.
Magnesium absorption takes place mainly in the small intestine and to a lesser extent through the rumen wall. However, due to the very large surface area of the rumen wall, the rumen makes a substantial contribution to total magnesium absorption. Plasma magnesium may be the major factor controlling absorption. There appears to be poor regulation mechanisms in the body to control magnesium losses. Magnesium is excreted in the urine and feces.
Effects of an Excess of Magnesium:
  • Increases need for phosphorus and other elements.
Effects of a Deficiency of Magnesium:
  • Irritability
  • Irregular gait or shifting lameness
  • Weak pasterns
  • Muscle tremors
  • Grass Tetany - animals may be temporarily blinded; may turn in circles until balance is completely lost; frothing at the mouth.

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12 Stones M Mix - 25 Pound Bag - Item no. B005

Offer Free Choice separate from other parts of the ration.

Note: Offer a Free Choice common white salt block or common white feed mixing salt with all 12 Stones Free Choice products.

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