Our Free Choice Minerals are available for Organic or Grassfed Beef Cattle and Dairy Cattle, Sheep, Goats, and Horses.
These minerals are available individually or in kits.

Note: Offer a Free Choice common white salt block or common white feed mixing salt with all ABC Free Choice products.

Do Animals Eat Minerals Because They Need Them or Because They Taste Good?

Should I Supplement Selenium?
Selenium is not included in our free choice kits; however, we do carry Selenium supplements which can be purchased separately and offered if needed. While many soils are Selenium deficient, some may have excessive amounts of selenium. Visit this link to find out if you are in a Selenium deficient area. You may also consult your local vet or request a blood test.


 2% I Mix
IODINE: Metabolism Regulation - Approximately half of the iodine in the body is located in the thyroid glands, which produce important hormones, such as thyroxin, which have a regulating affect on the body metabolism. Thyrotoxin, which contains 65% iodine, is also concerned in growth, development and reproductive process. Iodine deficiency causes birth of weak and deformed offspring which fail to survive, abortion, infertility and other reproductive problems. Severe iodine deficiency results in goiter or lumpy jaw.
A Mix
VITAMIN A: Healthy Tissue Growth - Three very important vitamins in animal nutrition are A, D, and E. Vitamin A maintains the skin and the linings of the digestive, respiratory and reproductive tracts. Healthy tissues resist invasion by disease. Vitamin A is needed for normal sight and to prevent night blindness. Colostrum is high in Vitamin A. Vitamin D is the "Sunshine Vitamin." It prevents rickets and is essential for proper bone growth and consistent reproduction. It is linked importantly with calcium-phosphorus utilization. Vitamin E aids in absorbing and storage of Vitamin A. It is a part of enzyme and hormone systems. If you are having breed back or cleaning problems it could be a lack of available Vitamin A and/or Selenium.
Buffer Plus
The Buffer Plus is very successful in counteracting low rumen pH and increases utilization of protein. The combination of sodium, magnesium, potassium and calcium make this a very valuable additive to the ration. A dose of enzyme is added to facilitate bacterial growth in the rumen. One ounce per head per day of Buffer Plus will provide the same buffering as 4-6 ounces of sodium bicarbonate, plus it will produce a remarkable increase in the rumen ‘bug’ crop.

Why Buffer Plus for Horses?
All metabolic processes are pH sensitive. Our Buffer Plus sustains pH balance in any species. While not generally considered essential for horses, there are three situations where Buffer Plus is beneficial as a safety net:
1. Water with high chloride levels results in a high Sodium Absorption Ratio. A high Sodium Absorption Ratio affects the pH levels in various organs. Horses will consume Buffer Plus to compensate for this pH change. 2. Hard water consumption may result in dehydration from decreased water retention. Buffer Plus helps balance the pH in the kidneys. 3. When horses are consuming feedstuffs that become acidic in the digestive tract, Buffer Plus aids in pH normalization and detoxification.
BVC Mix 
BVC-Mix is a B-Vitamin complex blended with bacteria, kelp, and trace minerals, buffers and herbs for digestive aid. It also assists with Nerves and Stress.
C Mix
CALCIUM: Bone Growth and Vigor - Calcium is necessary, along with phosphorus, for sturdy bones and teeth, and for maximum growth, gain and production. Calcium regulates how well tissue cells absorb nutrients and is vital in the blood gain and production. Calcium and phosphorus team up together in a ratio of approximately one or two parts calcium to one part phosphorus. Vitamin D is necessary for proper utilization of these minerals.
Cu Mix   
Iron and Copper work together to form hemoglobin in the blood. Deficiencies cause depraved appetites in cattle, anemia and calves born weak or dead. Problems Associated with a Lack of Copper Include: All Fungal Diseases, Anemia, Cow Pox, Diarrhea, Dermatitis, Failure to Breed, Foot Rot & Foot Abscesses, Herpes, Johne's Disease, Lowered Immune, Liver Fluke, Lump Jaw, Open Knees, Osteoporosis, Ring Worm, Staph Infections, Worms.
Can Sheep Overdose on Cu-Mix (Copper)? Learn More Here

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M Mix   
MAGNESIUM: Bone and Blood Development - Magnesium improves calcium and phosphorus metabolism and calcification of bone. Magnesium is needed by the body in relatively small amounts but is very important to life. About 70% of the magnesium in the body is in the bone, combined with calcium and phosphorus. Muscle contains more magnesium than calcium. Magnesium is present in the blood, organs and tissue fluids of the body. Conditions induced by a deficiency of magnesium (w/Calcium) include Grass Tetany, Milk Fever, Mastitis, Acetonemia, Arthritis, Founder Warts, Soft Teeth, Bent/Deformed Bones and Nervous Behavior.
K Mix 
POTASSIUM: Proper Growth & Nerve Response Factors Affecting Vitamin A Consumption - Potassium is required by the animal body for normal nutrition and is linked with calcium and phosphorus in bone building processes. Its presence affects feed efficiency by aiding rumen bacterial growth and proper cell pressure for nutrient utilization. Muscle and nerves need potassium for proper maintenance.
P Mix
PHOSPHORUS: Growth and Reproduction - Phosphorus and calcium together make up 75% of the total amount of minerals in the bodies of farm animals, 90% of the minerals in the skeleton and half of the minerals in milk. Phosphorus is especially important as more bodily functions are tied to it than to any other nutrient. Besides building strong bones and teeth, it is an important part of many proteins, including the casein in milk. Phosphorus regulates enzyme activity and helps maintain vital pressure balances between cells. If a cow is starved of phosphorus, she is very unlikely to bear a calf. Phosphorus is the only mineral known to significantly affect the eating quality of beef.
S Mix
SULFUR: Protein Formation - Sulfur is necessary for the life of animals, for it is an essential part of most proteins. A deficiency limits non-protein nitrogen utilization. Sulfur aids in production of healthy hair coats and in hoof and horn development. Cattle that are sulfur deficient may have lice, ticks or other exterior parasites. They will not digest their feed properly as lack of sulfur interferes with the action of the amino acids, especially cysteine and methionine. Growing animals will not progress as well as they should if sulfur is missing. Sulfur is also needed by the calf in utero in the last two months of pregnancy.
Ts-K Mix
Trace Minerals + Selenium = Immune System Health - Trace Elements: Catalyst and Enzyme Systems - Trace elements iron, copper, cobalt, zinc and manganese are minor but essential minerals in live stock nutrition. Need for trace element supplementation has increased in recent years due to the gradual depletion of minerals in farm soils. Manganese affects the metabolism of calcium and carbohydrates. Cobalt is needed to enable Rumen bacteria to synthesize Vitamin B12. Cobalt deficiency causes loss of appetite, weakness and anemia. Deficiency further decreases fertility and milk production. Selenium is essential for Vitamin E metabolism. Iron (along with Copper) is essential to form hemoglobin in the blood. 

Zn Mix 

Zinc helps to increase gains through good feed efficiency. Deficiency causes poor growth, weak legs, skin lesions. Zinc also helps build a healthier immune system. Lack of Zinc causes reproduction and cleaning problems.

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