ENERGY™ Organic for Horses


ENERGYTM is a concentrated source of energy. Folks find ENERGYTM particularly useful in situations where there are extra demands on their horses, be that because of demands of training and performance, pregnancy and lactation, growth, old age or because the horse has had a period of prolonged malnutrition, as we see in some rescue horses. ENERGYTM is also a super means of supplying additional energy to horses while they are in competition.

We know that energy requirements depend on many factors, and we know that they increase in times of physical and physiological stress – illness, increased work, reproduction and lactation, growth and development.

Energy is required for all body functions, including the digestion and absorption of food, for activity and work (and for sleep, too!), for growth and repair, and also for reproduction (in mares and stallions alike).

What folks often forget is that environmental conditions, particularly cold and wet weather, also increase the demand for energy. Animals’ energy requirements can double or triple in those circumstances. We’ll also see an increased requirement for energy in situations where there are nutritionally related conditions, be that starvation and imbalance or, often more commonly, conditions that influence the digestion, absorption and assimilation of the feed and nutrients.

Energy can be found in carbohydrates, fats and oils and can also be generated indirectly through protein digestion.

ENERGYTM has been formulated to be highly digestible and available.  This functional formulation relies on the primary sources of energy in the product (a combination of carbohydrates, fats and high fat proteins) and the presence and synergy of ABC’s unique fermentation product that enhances digestion, absorption, utilization and assimilation of nutrients.

It’s also a pelleted product. The process of pelleting ENERGYTM increases the overall availability of the energy in the ingredients and increases the digestibility of the final product, maximizing the digestion that occurs in the small intestine. This process decreases the undigested nutrients that spill over to the hindgut, decreasing the potential for hindgut fermentation and acidosis.

Over the years, customers have used ENERGYTM in a variety of ways, from top dressing the usual rations of horses who are hard keepers (because of age and special health considerations) or who have special needs related to growth, breeding demands or lactation, to using ENERGYTM as a major component of the feed offered during competitions (such as endurance rides or three-day events). They’ve also used it as part of the larger recovery program for horses after surgeries and in rescue situations.

Advanced Biological Concepts also makes other high-energy special needs supplements, most notably a high-energy, grain-free pellet that can be used in cattle and other species to augment forage-based management systems for both beef and dairy animals.

The team at Advanced Biological Concepts is available to help you maximize animal health in your livestock, horses and companion animals by helping create a basic – or special needs – mineral and supplement offering for their unique and individual needs. Ask us how to help you. We’re happy to continue the conversation, answer your questions and to provide resources.


Contact us:, or 800-373-5971