Public Health Topic: High Quality Raw Milk Enhances Health


Public Health Topic: High Quality Raw Milk Enhances Health

Thursday, March 21, 2013Milk

Raw, whole milk has been consumed for centuries and has long been acknowledged for its health benefits.

Unfortunately, in the 1800s the primitive dairy industry was rank with abuses. Producing cows were kept in deplorable confinement conditions and fed a nutrient and mineral deficient ration. Their health suffered as did the purity and wholesomeness of the milk produced. The milk was often unsanitary and contaminated. Widespread deaths were attributed to milk in that era.

In 1910, an attempt to resolve the problem of unsafe milk considered two options. Most wanted raw milk to be certified to ensure high quality, safe milk which maintained its high nutrients. Pasteurization was the second option and was chosen because of the high cost of certification. Milk producers with unsafe practices began pasteurizing their milk rather than cleaning up their farms --- another good example of treating the symptoms rather than the cause.

The campaign against raw milk escalated in 1945, when a false story was circulated blaming raw milk for an outbreak of undulant fever (Brucellosis or Bang’s Disease) in an town called Crossroads, USA, a place that did not even exist.

The attack on raw milk continues to this day; fueled by the arrogance of control freak ‘do-gooders’ who have joined with the multi-national corporations who want absolute control over our food supply.

Regardless of the continuing hype about the safety of raw milk, not a single death has been reliably reported from raw milk consumption. Several research studies show superior growth and health for those children drinking raw milk compared to pasteurized milk. Raw milk has been proven to prevent scurvy, the flu, TB, and allergies. Pastured whole, raw milk contains essential fat soluble vitamins A, D and K2 along with B12, B6, C, calcium, iron, iodine and minerals which can easily be utilized by the body. According to a study done in Michigan, 90 percent of those who are unable to consume pasteurized milk due to lactose intolerance are able to consume raw milk with its intact enzymes.

Conversely, several people die each year from allergic reactions to pasteurized milk and dairy products. E-coli, botulism, Listeria, parasite spores and other bacteria routinely found in pasteurized milk cause illness and death. When milk is pasteurized, most of the nutrients are destroyed or degraded. The remaining protein, calcium and D vitamins are denatured and poorly absorbed. Pasteurized milk consumption has been linked with osteoporosis, tooth decay, arthritis, heart disease and cancer.

Physicians dating back many centuries have used high quality raw milk to treat and cure a myriad of disease conditions including tuberculosis, high blood pressure, urinary tract infections, diabetes, kidney and prostrate disease, edema, heart failure and chronic fatigue. Today, in Germany, raw, whole milk is used in hospitals to treat several diseases. Raw milk enthusiasts claim consumption of high quality whole raw milk can cure diseases including irritable bowel syndrome, arthritis and allergies.

Raw milk sales continues to grow each year while pasteurized milk purchases decrease. For additional information on safe raw milk visit the Raw Milk Institute at:

Learn more in the original article below, or at this link:

High quality raw milk enhances health while pasteurized milk contributes to illness

(NaturalNews) Raw, whole milk has been consumed for centuries and has long been acknowledged for its health benefits. Several research studies show superior growth and health for those children drinking raw milk compared to pasteurized milk. (

Raw milk has been proven to prevent scurvy, the flu, TB, and allergies. Pastured whole, raw milk contains essential fat soluble vitamins A, D and K2 along with B12, B6, C, calcium, iron, iodine and minerals which can easily be utilized by the body. When milk is pasteurized, most of these nutrients are destroyed. The remaining protein, calcium and D vitamins are denatured and poorly absorbed. In other cases, the body begins an attack on what it views as a foreign substance andallergic reactions can develop. Pasteurized milk consumption has been linked with osteoporosis, tooth decay, arthritis, heart disease and cancer.

Raw milk cures diseases

Hippocrates, Galen and other pioneering physicians all used raw milk to heal patients from disease. Dr. J. E. Crewe, in the 1920s, used a raw milk diet at the Mayo Foundation to successfully treat patients with a myriad of illnesses including tuberculosis, high blood pressure, urinary tract infections, diabetes, kidney and prostrate disease, edema, heart failure and chronic fatigue. Today, in Germany, raw, whole milk is used in hospitals to treat several diseases. Raw milk enthusiasts claim consumption of high quality whole raw milk can cure diseases including irritable bowel syndrome, arthritis and allergies. To read testimonials see:

Contaminated and diluted swill milk caused widespread deaths in the 1800s

Cheap, swill milk was produced in the 1800s in order to increase profits. These milk producing cows lived in deplorable conditions, tied up in confinement and fed distillery waste instead of their normal diet of green pasture. 50 percent of those who drank this milk died.

The decision to pasteurize milk was based on economics

In 1910, the majority of those who met to resolve the "milk" problem of unsafe swill milk were opposed to pasteurization. Most wanted raw milk to be certified to ensure high quality, safe milk which maintained its high nutrients. Decision makers were afraid of the costs to certify raw milk dairies so decided to pasteurize milk instead. Milk producers with unsafe practices began pasteurizing their milk rather than clean up their farms.

Campaign against raw milk began in imaginary town called "Crossroads"

In 1945, a false story was first reported to have taken place in a made up town called Crossroads, USA, where raw milk was blamed for an outbreak of undulant fever. This unsubstantiated report was repeated by the Progressive and Reader’s Digest. This began an effort to eliminate raw milk production.

Raw milk facts

According to a study done in Michigan, 90 percent of those who are unable to consume pasteurized milk due to lactose intolerance are able to consume raw milk with its intact enzymes. Several people die each year from allergic reactions to pasteurized milk and dairy products. E-coli, botulism, Listeria, parasite spores and other bacteria routinely found in pasteurized milk cause illness and death. Not a single death has been reliably reported from raw milk consumption. Raw milk sales continues to grow each year while pasteurized milk purchases decrease due to dairy allergies.

Raw milk resources

For sources of raw milk visit: To help support farmers trying to supply this valuable health food contact Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund at: For additional information on safe raw milk visit the Raw Milk Institute at:

