Dec 16, 2015 - Iowa Ranks 6th in the Country for Number of Organic Farms



Wednesday, December 16, 2015 - According to a recently released USDA survey, Iowa is one of the top producers of organic crops and livestock. The survey was conducted in 2014. Organic Farms

California has the most organic far
ms, followed by Wisconsin, New York, Washington, Pennsylvania and Iowa, with 612 organic farms placing 6th among the 50 states.

The U.S.D.A. reports Iowa had just under 68,000 acres of organic crops last year and organic sales in the state totaled $103 million – 10th in the US.

Iowa produced more organic soybeans and corn for grain than any other state and ranked first among the states for its percentage of organic hogs and sales of organic goat milk.

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USDA Report: