July 26, 2013 - New Corn Hybrids Resist GMO Contamination



Iowa-based Blue River Hybrids has introduced onto the market three corn hybrids that control fertilization by only accepting pollen from corn plants with the same genotype. They claim that in side-by-side field tests with GMO corn, the PuraMaize either eliminated or virtually eliminated contamination.

Officials at Blue River Hybrids said PuraMaize harnesses the power of specific gene characteristics to prevent cross-pollination. When GMO or blue corn pollen drives onto the silk of PuraMaize corn hybrids, PuraMaize successfully impedes the "foreign" pollen and is pollinated instead by surrounding PuraMaize corn.

While other researchers have also been experimenting with hybrids, Blue River Hybrids is the first company to bring a product to the market.

For more information on this break-through product, check out pages 20 and 21 of the July 2013 issue or ACRES USA magazine, or visit the links Here and Here to learn more.