By: Gordy Jordahl
Water that can electrically interface with cells is the biggest requirement for the hydration in the body. There is not one part of the body’s system that can function in the absence of electrically alive water. The entire electrical function of every cellular process depends on electrical frequencies of every molecule. This frequency increases or decreases depending on hydration at the cellular level.
The public is misled that any water will increase hydration at the cellular level within minutes. This information only paints a picture that water is water because it is wet. Water has to contain energy to manifest functions needed at the cellular level.
Chlorination or filtered water cannot adequately hydrate cells. It bonds water molecules so tight together it increases the surface tension much greater than the surface of the body fluids that surround each and every cell. The bonding of water molecules results in electrically damaged water; this makes it difficult to electrically interface with body fluids.
This forces the body to immediately dump the water. Hard water deposits or water with high TDS (total dissolved salts) do not correlate with body fluids for cellular hydration as it affects surface tension and again the body dumps it more readily.
PH is relative to mineral absorption affecting electrical conductivity of body fluids and conductivity is relative to the overall bonded ions of calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium being the major constituents of TDS.
If conductivity is too high, water is dumped more readily; it if is too low, body fluids are challenged to relate energy to cells for communication.
High SAR (sodium absorption ratio) and (HC03) bicarbonates also affect hydration as bicarbonates increase sodium absorption carrying water with it to flood the cell and displace the potassium ion, which wreaks havoc with cellular metabolism.
Note! The body has to separate the electrical matrix of the H20 molecule from numerous components found in different water supplies before it can become available for hydration.
Otherwise, electrical conductivity of the body fluids become damaged disrupting communication at the cellular level resulting to an electrical malfunction. The only way the body can function at the cellular level is through conductivity of fluids in and around the cells.
Lowering surface tension by adjusting pH and sequestering major constituents of water from bonding (normally with phosphorous salts, pH adjuster and a balanced electrolyte) becomes a major role in cellular hydration. The water then becomes cell food. The body fluids can then assist signals to the cells to retain water for hydration. This in turn will increase metabolism and relay the right signals for immune response of natural antibodies. IONS™ and H20 Revive are used to supply the body with the needed nutrients.